Sunday, May 23, 2010

My bum hurts.

Hehehe. I've been sitting on the floor for, what, two hours now? The things I do to avoid cleaning my forsaken desk. Sighs. Ah well. At least I'm sitting on my poor sleeping bag. Hehehehe. =P


Life's been as lively as it can be, I guess. More things to do and explore, and I have yet to be attacked by the so-called mad bird of PTEK, but I've got a year and half, I guess. Maybe. Well, nothing's for sure, isn't it?

Rights. My brain's slightly scattered, so forgive me if my post doesn't make much sense at times. I just feel... Too content. I don't like feeling too content; it's like, I feel too stagnant and too bum-ish and I can't be bothered to get up and roll myself out of the bed and-

Okays, I'll stop that right there. It's not that I'm not happy; I really, really am. Well, usually, anyways. It's either I'm happy or I'm emo. Somehow those two odd sides of me decided to gang up and catch me unawares and I'm swinging sideways, sideways and the vine looks as rough as it did on Tarzan, but it's a happy kind of hurt and I don't mind, not really.

I'm happy because... I've got a semi-permanent idiotic smile that makes me look like a loon but I don't really care, because it makes me really happy. And it's so new and I'm terrified for the first time but I'm persevering. You can tell I've been listening to Terrified by Katherine McPhee a bit =P; go listen to her! She sounds awesome. =D

And I'm emo because.. Well, when am I NOT emo, really? Not that that's all there is to me, but it's my most infamous state of mind, and the most helpful too, at times. Hahaha. =P Helps me churn good stories when I need and want to.

But yeah. Last week was the Adau Gayoh festival thingy at some warehouse place in Tutong and.. I guess it was good. Knowing I had some pretty old relatives. I wonder if I'm related to that over one hundred years old grandma? HAHA! =P It was friggin' hot, though. Gosh. And I was in a baju kurung as well. Heh. Poor baju kurung got ruined in the mud, though. ='( HAHAHA. =P

I missed out on the beach too! Sighs. =( Wish I could've gone. Though I'm glad I didn't get a sunburn like nearly everyone else though. HAHA! =P Owh well. Next time, if there is one. =)

Besides that.. School's been school. Well, PTEK's been PTEK. Hahaha. It's.. Definitely different from MS. And I've definitely changed, a little bit, or a lot, depending on how you see me. But I've still got the bits of Sherly from MS. The don't-mess-with-me-unless-you-want-your-ass-or-knees-kicked, for one. The bookworm bit, which, let's face it, will NEVER be erased. Hehehe. =P And the fact that I roll my sleeves higher than my elbows. Hahaha! Owh, and that I STILL study last minute. Sighs. That can't be changed, I guess. Hehehe.

But there are some bits, that have changed. I sorta expected that, but I haven't really figured out which parts. Maybe I show my emotions more? Maybe it's harder for me to keep up a mask when I need to, want to? Maybe, maybe I just-

Owh, and there's something that hasn't really changed about me too.

I constantly whine about my hunger. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Poor PTEK-ians. HAHAHA.

I guess I've exhausted whatever randomness I have for this post. Hehehe. 'Til next time then. ;)

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